Just because I'm single, doesn't mean I'm not in love. In fact, I have some love letters sitting right here on my desk. As I was preparing my daily devotion, I ran across this one which I thought was perfect for Valentines Day regardless of marital status.:
If today you went out to your mailbox and found a letter addressed to you with your name followed by "To: My beloved" and you looked up into the left top corner of the envelope and saw the return address, "Your Heavenly Father, The Celestial Palace, New Jerusalem, Heaven 77777,"
I'll bet you would open that letter first. Well, there is such a letter. It's not in your mailbox, it's right in front of you. No surprise, it is the Bible. This love letter took eons to create and nearly 1500 years to record. God went through more than 38 secretaries in the process. It's a marvelous letter. In it He tells a lot of the old family stories, reminds us about our older brothers and sisters, and tells us what he plans to do later on.
Like any love letter it is full of promises, but these are not the promises of some human suitor's fantasy. These are promises which are sure and certain. They will happen there is no doubt about that. He gives us a lot of advice in this letter. Since the writer is the source of wisdom itself, this advice is always sound. In the letter, the author reveals his heart. He tells us how he
rejoices over his beloved. He tells us how he longs for her even when she has disappointed him. He shows us what causes him pain and what brings him joy.
But the theme that runs throughout this letter is simple: "I Love You!"
Have you read your love letter today?
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