Sunday, February 3, 2008

Single but not Isolated

I am a happy single person. I like my solitude and my alone times. Nothing wrong with that. However, I have a tendency, which other happy singles sometimes share. I have a tendency to isolate myself from others. I'm more likely to turn down an invitation to dinner than accept, to avoid parties, to watch TV rather than go to a concert. In other words cut myself off, in my personal life, from human contact.

Now, some of us, for whatever reason, are consitutionally more introverted than others. We work well alone. We are comfortable with our own company. We like solitary activities like reading or watching TV.

However, there is much to be gained from interacting with others. Other people stimulate your thinking and problem solving in ways you can't do on your own. They provide you with outside perspective. They help you cope with the difficult times in our lives. They also help us celebrate our joys.

Just because I have chosen not to marry or date does not mean that I should cut myself off from others totally. And I can do this easily enough. I teach college. I have taught face-to-face classes for almost 20 years. Recently I've been teaching online. I'm good at it and I enjoy it greatly. I'll be doing half my load online by fall. But I am setting a personal limit at 50 percent. It would be too easy for me to just sit at home at a computer and do all my human interaction on line.

A message board, some emails and IM'ing on occassion can build a type of relationship, but it is not the same as a voice on the phone, a hand held or a hug received. We are, after all, physical creatures. God made us that way and we need that physical connection with others.

Sometimes people say, "Why do I need to go to a brick and mortar church. I can read my Bible on my own, pray to God and even fellowship with others online. That's easier." And trust me that is tempting to me. Not have to deal with someone's overwhelming cologne, being able to choose what music to listen to rather than have to put up with the selections of the worship leader, and if the sermon I'm reading or listening to online offends me, well I can just surf away. It's easy, it's safe, it's sanitized, and its most of all impersonal.

Disembodied worship and fellowship is easier. But I'm not sure it's better. I'm not sure relationships are meant to be easy. Church relationships no less than others.

It is certainly easier and safer for me to sit at home, type on my computer, teach invisible students, build invisible friendships, even attend an invisble church. But that doesn't make me a committed single. It just makes me a hermit. And my house becomes my cave, a cave with bars on the door separating me from the ebb and flo of life around me, watching it go on, but not being part of it.

I've been there before. I sawed through the bars and escaped and I will not return.


Grace Bridges said...

That is a precise description of me you have there... yes, I like being alone, like it very much. But there's gotta be a balance... in 2 months I am moving out of my flat and going on the road. Maybe a whole year long. Scary - no isolation. Should be fun, right? I hope...

Anonymous said...

hello my name is also Grace and i'm single like you, i'm now 32 year old and the chances of getting married are very slim because of my age....! i read in almost all websites that it is a must for a single to be committed to a minitry or God, but i don't feel like, is it a sin because i'm single, and it doesnt say this about married people, also I read that singles must have a harder life than a married person, why?
email me on . I am not heading or aiming to become a sinner or let's say i don't like being a sinner and i don't enjoy it, but i am inactive regarding ministery and God thing..., after all we are humans and week... i like the things of the world, like computer and enjoying at home watching tv and i always found that singledom is very confortable but i dn't know if it is bad to do that! thanks if you give me any advice please i would consider my situation again....(between being active in ministries or having an easy life like i'm having which i like after all). i like only being busy when i'm at work!!!
BTW very informative page for us singles....thanks...

blogNATHI said...

yes I agree ... and it's actually the reason I was alone at Easter. I have a small selfpublishing book company and I am a newspaper copy editor and we are remote now and so I'm at home mostly, tho I try to go to the office once a week or so just to connect with people, but the company wants us offsite. Sooooooo, in addition to needing to get out of an abusive corporate media evironment generally, I am making a career that's more people-oriented. I'm starting to import clothes and sell them. And that's why I didn't go hiking for easter. Because I'm busy making long-term healthy changes for me!!!